I'm a geek! Spelled G - double E - K!

Writing about my life and how things never go as planned. Oh well, that's half the fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This is my first post and I really don't know what I'm doing, so I'll show you my diseased disturbed cat. He's really sweet; his name is Miw. Miw is the word in Ancient Egyptian for "cat". This cat has been sickly from day one. First, he had what the vet likes to call "cat herpes". No, my cat is not a cat whore, however, he did get some action because his liter of kittens and his lady kitty friend were at the shelter I got him from. Apparently "cat herpes" just means it's like a cold, but like herpes once the cat gets it, it can become active and reoccur when his immune system is down or he's stressed out.
Ok, so I got the poor kitty medicine for the cat herpes and well, it just made things worse. His nose started bleeding and he'd sneeze blood everywhere. I went to class the next day to find blood all over my textbook pages. My friend misunderstood and thought I said it was my boyfriend's blood from his nose and well, she was really groosed out.
So, then I find these little grains of white rice like substance around. I assume that the cat busted into my giant bag o' rice again, until......I see a piece hanging out Miw's ass. I was disgusted as I saw it was moving and realized those were egg sacks of tapeworm!!! EWWWWWWWW!!!!! So yeah had to fix that mess. This cat tricked me. You can't trust him. He looked all healthy in the shelter and the second I get him home all his symptoms of illness start showing. Ok, well it's not over yet.
So next, the cat's fur starts falling out. He'd get these little red spots that would then get crusty and the fir would fall out. I take him to the vet AGAIN, they know me very well now, and well, low and behold, he was diagonsed with possibly ringworm. A fungus, not a worm. So I treat that. It finally goes away, and last week he got more all over again! So, he needs to go back to the vet. So that's my diseased cat Miw.
You can't help but love him though. I mean, it's not his fault. He's just a helpless little kitty cat. I mean look at him. Who couldn't love that?